Saturday, August 13, 2005

Synthetic Lake Anza

Indigo and I went to Lake Anza with Eve and Michelle last week. While Eve was swimming in the dark successfully escaping the citation wrath of the lake cop, Michelle obsessed about all the buckets and shovels left behind by daytime visitors. Look at it! I mean everybody is leaving their stuff at the lake. You don't even have to bring your own bucket and shovel. Just root around in the sand and you are bound to find something.

It was funny at the time. I have been worrying about plastic though. I am often worrying. Its a habit. I have come across something that has really given me the chills about plastic and makes me think that I can never in good conscience bring another plastic thing into my life if I can help it. Watch the video from the Algalita Marine Research Foundation and you will know what I mean. Its material for another project too. Okay, I can't really think about that now.

Thanks to National Park Service rangers from Crissy Field Center, The Waribashi Project will be doing outreach about our public programs at the Nihonmachi Street Fair this weekend.